Monday, October 19, 2009

Things to Consider for Right Pet Rabbit Care

Just like other pets we raise inside the perimeter of our home, our rabbits need the necessary care so that they will live happy and healthy. Is it really an obligation to make them happy and healthy? Yes it is!

The first day of your rabbit adoption ( remember?) was the commencement of your commitment of being a responsible pet rabbit owner. You must stick to that commitment by making an effort to become a responsible pet rabbit raiser.
photo credit:

In case you are still not familiar of the things that you need to do to give your pet rabbit necessary things for them, I am sharing simple tips – which contributed a lot for my pet rabbit raising success – you can apply for your own pet rabbit. 

Consider the following:                                                            

Giving the right foods. Know what are the necessary foods for pet rabbits. Giving the right foods is not just about giving the right quantity. It is not only giving foods on a regular basis. But, more than that, it is giving foods with necessary nutrients they need to grow and live happy and healthy. In doing this, see to it that you check the nutrition component of the foods you give. If not healthy, then don't give it to your pet. There are lots of information about what are those foods nutritious for rabbits – know these things. 

Giving ideal shelter. Your pet rabbit needs the most ideal shelter ( hutch). Before making or buying a hutch for your pet rabbit, it is important to note that you need to decide whether you want to house your pet indoor or outdoor. So that you are able to decide which designs are appropriate.You must know what are the things to consider when building a rabbit hutch or when you plan to buy one. 

Proper Grooming and Medications. It is also important that you know the proper way of grooming your pet rabbit. You should know how many times your pet needs grooming in a week. You need to understand what are the necessary procedure when grooming. Aside from that, you must know the proper things to do as part of rabbit medication most especially the first aids. Things can come unexpectedly and there may be times that your pet rabbit needs medications - particularly against diseases which can be lethal to your pet. Have sufficient knowledge on first aid stuff. In addition, know when to visit an animal doctor ( veterinarian).

So, those are the simple tips I have in mind. I hope these ideas can contribute a lot for your pet rabbit so that you become a successful pet rabbit raiser.

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